Monday, September 22, 2014

#9. Living quietly. What will happen to the world if there was no sound?

    First and foremost if there was no sound then all living beings who have the ability to hear on our world will lost their sense of hearing. Making the sense of hearing or having ears useless (Because if there was no sound at all then there was no vibration or pitches being detected by a hearing senses).

    But there are some good points in quietness.
Your other senses will get enhance. No more bad words and noises. Making all the people more physically fit because if you want to convey something to someone without verbal communication, you've got to use nonverbal to send a message just in case you can’t write a word or text to someone.

    There are going to be a lot of disadvantages if there was no sound; less communication, no music, no song, no alarm clock, less warning when you’re on the road, some animals that rely on sound to communicate will surely be in danger, and making the world a boring but dangerous place to live in.

Monday, September 15, 2014

#8. Pictures paint thousands of words.

Image from 9GAG.COM

    A picture is worth a thousand words. Not by how many but by how you express your feelings into words.  Images have information or idea that can be conveyed into words. Every picture have a story. Every story can have pictures to make it more appealing to others. Depending on how you perceive the idea of a picture can change the story of that picture. Also it depends on your own perspective of how you see the picture. Whether it’s good, bad, beautiful, ugly, meaningful or just a lame picture.

Friday, September 5, 2014

#7. The Power of Words!

The Power of Words

    The powers of words have so many elements that people use in their everyday lives. Words used in communication, making our lives more interesting with the help of words containing text, sounds and images. Even a deaf person understand others using written words. Words used to govern, start wars and make peace. Words guide us for a better path. It connects us. It unites us. It identifies and divides us. Words used to hurt us psychologically that sometimes it’s even worse than physical wound. Using words to have influence and power over people, you have the power to speak encouragement or persecution over others. People create words of wisdom. Making words have a strong impact in our daily lives.
    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
                                                                                                                                                                                              ----John 1:1

    Words have power. They work. That’s why music and lyrics and songs affect people. Putting the feelings into words. So, different use of words, with the right use of words and change your words... can change your world, like writing a poem.