Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Old School Billboards

To start with, this review is about the old and new commercials and print ads. My first review is about an old type of advertising.
Hand painted movie billboards & old movie theaters.
The Times Theatre - 
Quezon Boulevard
In this blog, we are going to review an old type of advertising, the old school billboards or vintage billboards. Just as the name implies, it is used since the old times. Like in Egypt, the Egyptians invent outdoor advertising where they carve public notice in steel. The rise of billboard ads fuels in United State of America because of the birth of the automobile. Advertisement is a commercial solicitation that is a form of communication design to sell some commodity or service. Advertising involve around using print ads, commercials and many advertising categories. Using billboards to advertise something directed to the public or people outside their home. Some old billboards was made by artist, using their own hands to paint the billboard, not just printed.

Hand painted billboards is still being used as an advertisement. Like in old movie theaters, where they can watch movies or vintage movies. They paint the billboard with almost the same design the movie poster has. It has an artistic look in it. Painting it like a work of art, mixing it with advertising. Hand painted billboards is really awesome to looked at, considering of how hard it is to create the design manually. Painting the desirable designs need a lot of training and patience. Some hand painted billboards have a really big size like the height of a house, and it needs to be painted for the desirable design. Some stores in the streets uses this kind of advertisement. They used simple colors to make their design more appealing to the eye and easy to see. Some reasons billboard are made by hand painting is that they have a little budget and can't afford to spend a lot of money for the print ads. Or just uses the things currently available for them. An art and a business.

Some old school billboards or vintage billboards have historical value in it. Some needs to be restored to make its value high. Some good vintage billboard are being auction or being sold for a high price for those people who love to collect them. This days where the print ads is the norm or in demand, hand painted billboards is being used less often. The commonly used type is the printed billboard posters. Some even use digital LED billboards that looks like a television screen. As for the effectiveness of the old billboards for advertising, it is less effective  than the newer ones because new type of billboards are faster to produce and easy to design. The new ones is more practical to use because some printed billboard poster used tarpaulin, where the tarpaulin can be reuse again in various way like using it as a shelter or tent or using it in construction site as protection. The old ones like the hand painted billboards take a lot of time to make. But we still can say that they both have the effectiveness as a good advertisement. The old types have more artistry put into it and the new one types are more practical and more effective form of advertising.