Friday, June 27, 2014

#1. Communiction Changes: Technology and Social Media

     Communication changes with technology and social media. With new media it's just easier in our society to go the easy route. It takes less time of your schedule. New technology and social media sites are constantly changing, evolving and developing, which means the face of personal communication is also changing. These changes often mean the people are having less and less face-to-face interaction. Email, texting, Facebook and Twitter are just a few examples of mediums that have diminished verbal communication; verbal communication has decreased dramatically from just 20 years ago, when most of the technology used today did not even exist. Email was one of the first forms of communication technology to come about that is still used today, starting during the '70s but not becoming popular in the public sphere until the '90s. Email is currently the most popular form of online communication, even after discounting the large volume of spam messages sent.
    When Email first emerged, many people thought it was a waste of time and effort. `WHY CAN'T WE JUST CALL SOMEONE ON THE TELEPHONE?'

    According to the site I read, more than a hundred billion emails are sent out per day. In, addition, there are three times as many email accounts as Twitter and Facebook accounts combined. For others who use email for more professional things, like coordinating things with the service program that they help direct. Anything related to... school or business or things a lot of times will be email. I believe that email usage has increase over the years. Texting has also increased dramatically since it first came about in the '90s and is now used for communicate more than calling someone is. More people use their smart phones to text. I think it depends on importance and urgency, if it wasn't very urgent, I'd probably text. And then if it was more urgent and more important, I would probably call them.

    Facebook is also accessed largely through mobile devices, with hundreds of million users accessing it from a mobile device. Not only do people use Facebook to communicate, but the great deal of time they spend on it takes away from the time they might spend interacting with people in person. Some of them check their accounts at least five times every day. I check Facebook to see what's going on with people and to look at their pictures. Is is no secret that time spent on new technology and social media sites is increasing immensely, creating less time for real-life interactions. Likewise, there is no doubt that as these numbers continue to rise, face-to-face and verbal communication will continue to decrease and possibly even become a mere trend of the past.

Reference by Hayley Eastman, (2013). Communication changes. 
Retrieved from 

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